Sunday 12 February 2017

Wishlist | February 2017...

February already... I know its super cliche but this year is flying in! I hope it's been good to everyone so far.

First proper blog post of the year and as I'm sat in my cosy candle-lit living room, Gilmore Girls on tv, a glass of wine in one hand and a sudocrem face I'm scrolling through many:- skin care products, makeup and home decor items that "I NEED" but just cannot justify buying when I am in the middle of saving towards a mortgage (the thrills of becoming a mature adult). Anyway instead of actually buying any of these necessities I will just post my current 5 needs below and hope in the near future someone happens to gift me with any of these treats...

Catastrophic Cosmetic Face Mask - Lush

The first appearance of two from a Lush product in this list of five ~slight obsession. I have heard great things of this Lush Mask, a calming and moisturising mask packed with antioxidants which is perfect for when your skin starts to play up. I currently have two pots of cup o'coffee in my skincare collection which I would say is more of an exfoliant and this would be a perfect addition as a quick fix for a bad skin day...

Layin Low Mac Paint Pot  

I have to admit my lust over this Mac paint pot may be due to my absolute love and obsession with Jamie Genevieve and her incredible makeup skills (It may also not be the only product in this list influenced by her recent tutorials). I've never been one who is big for eyeshadow or investing money in a good eye primer/ base but this paint pot seems like the perfect start.

Dark Angels Cleanser - Lush

I love charcoal products at the moment, they are soo deep cleansing, amazing at drawing impurities and oil out from pores and perfect for my combination skin type. This product cleanses and exfoliates all in one which sounds like a perfect add to any skin care addicts collection and quite frankly I just need it, no explanation needed!!

Rust Stack of Eyeshadows - Melt Cosmetics

*cough cough* another Jamie Genevieve inspired need...
If you have watched any of the recent makeup tutorials by Jamie you will understand just how much these eyeshadows make an appearance. The pigmentation looks unreal and easily blend-able! I have fallen in love with the rust stack as these are my usual go to shades. I'm not too big on wearing eyeshadow, mainly because of my lack in talent in the eye makeup area but feel a slightly natural looking/ smokey brown eye is as far as my basic shadow skills will go.

#Girlboss - Sophia Amorusa

And the last item on this months wishlist is #Girlboss by Sophia Amorusa. I have been looking for a new read for a while now and although I usually sway more toward the like of a James Patterson or Ian Rankin book I have heard great things of this. Also the fact it is rumoured to be coming to Netflix this year I have the urge to read it beforehand.
Who knows, maybe this book is what I need to get some inspiration for the future of this blog and whats to come...

Until next time,

P.S Who knew I would suddenly have an obsession with Gilmore Girls?? Day 3 and I'm already onto the second series... (Forever discovering a series long after its heyday).


  1. I'm absolutely desperate for some Lush goodness for my face too but can't seem to warrant buying it! I definitely recommend buying #GIRLBOSS though, it is such an amazing read! So inspirational!

    Kirsty | The Monday Project (

    1. Oh my goodness you need to invest!! I 100% would buy much more Lush products, but because they have a use by date and I have 3 pots to use in the next couple months... I just can't haha!

      Next weekend is pay weekend so I just might have to treat myself to it! I've only heard great things.

      Shona Marie xo

  2. I want to try out the Catastrophic Cosmetic face mask too! I recently bought my first Lush products and now I'm obsessed and want everyything

    1. Hahah this is my life!! It just sucks you straight in from zero products to an unhealthy need for eeeeverthang!!

      Cannot wait to go for more masks in the next couple months, so so good!!

      Shona Marie xo


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